
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Five Weapons the Devil Uses

The weapon of intimidation

Nehemiah, as he rebuilt the walls and gates of Jerusalem, often said that his enemies tried to intimidate him.  That is they tried to make him look small and themselves bigger, stronger, and more powerful.  Likewise, our enemies prevail when they make us believe that they are bigger, stronger, and more powerful than we are.  It's what we allow the devil to do to us – even more we make him out to be bigger than our God, stronger than our faith, more powerful than our prayers which prevail against him.


The weapon of fear

The moment Elijah heard that Jezebel put a contract out on his life he became afraid.  Wait a minute!  Didn't God help him defeat 450 prophets of Baal?  And didn't God meet him again and again miraculously?  Then, why is he afraid?  He was afraid because he responded to a weapon the devil uses against God's people, and it became a critical spiritual battle for Elijah.  When we succumb to fear the devil will beat us with that spirit of fear until we give up and surrender.


The weapon of fatigue

Have you ever noticed how much worse things seem when we are completely exhausted and worn out?  Nothing goes right; everybody is against us; we're the only one who has ever walked through the valley we are facing; nobody understands – that's how it is when we are overly exhausted.

Elijah cried out to God, "I am the only one left who loves and serves you, and now my life is in danger."  However, look what God does.  He gets Elijah to a place where he can rest and take in nourishment.  So that Elijah could see things as they really were, and so he could be useful to God's kingdom.

Whatever you do, try not to fight the devil when you are exhausted.  And if you find yourself there anyway against your wishes, make no permanent decisions regarding your future until God has had the opportunity to refresh you.


A fourth weapon - discouragement and depression

Elijah says, "I want to die.  I don't want to live anymore.  The fight is too hard; the battle too great.  Just let me die."  Why would he say this?  He's discouraged – depressed.  He's at an all-time low.

Ever been there?  Listen, we can confess with our mouths all we want that life is good and we're the blessed of the Lord, but let's get real – there are times when we get discouraged.  We need to recognize it for what it is.  It's a tool the enemy uses to bring us down so he can defeat us.  It's one reason why we need to gather godly faith-filled people around us, who speak positive things into our lives.  In addition, we have to be rehearsing the goodness of God's mercies over our lives.


Another weapon the devil uses is lies and half-truths.

He loves to whisper in our ear things that are not true.  "Well, did you hear what the doctor said?"  "Do you realize what people think about you – what they're saying about you?"  "Do you know that God doesn't love you like He loves others?"  "See, you were prayed for, and things didn't work out for you."  "God is not going to work a miracle on your behalf."  "God doesn't hear your prayers."  All lies and half-truths.  We should expect them and recognize them when they come.

After Jesus had fasted and prayed for forty days and nights, Satan came to Him and began quoting the Scriptures to Jesus.  Telling Him it would be perfectly within reason to turn a stone into bread to feed His famished body.  He said, "You could throw yourself off the highest point of this Temple so all those who watched would know that you are someone special, and you'll not hurt yourself, because God's Word says, 'He will give His angels charge over you.'"  And the devil said, "If you will bow down to me, I will give you everything you lay your eyes upon – all the splendor and the kingdoms of the world."  To every one of these half-truths Jesus had to respond with the truth of the Scriptures as God meant them.

The way to fight the devil with all of his lies, half-truths and weapons is to stand on the Word of God, gather godly people around you, and believe God – even confess - that greater is He who is in you than he who is against you; and that you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ who loves you.



  1. Good word, thanks for sharing!
    God bless you and yours, have a great day!

  2. Thanks Eric. Certainly there are more weapons the devil uses, but these five I taught on recently as we looked at the events of Elijah's life just after he defeated the prophets of Baal on Mt Carmel.

    This I know we ARE MORE THAN conquerors through JESUS CHRIST who loves us.
