
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Casey Anthony – My thoughts

The last six weeks has been a media frenzy in Central Florida, and possibly throughout parts of the country as Casey Anthony was tried.  We have watched two well –versed eloquent legal teams hash every detail, launch accusations, and defend their belief.  And the verdict?  Not guilty.  Social polls say, "The jury got it wrong.  Casey got away with murder.  Another injustice."  What do you say?


I would like to weigh in on this matter, but truthfully I cannot.  I am not attempting to skirt the issue.  I just don't know that I have enough of the details to make an accurate assessment of guilt or innocence.  I must trust the system.

 What concerns me even greater is that there is a more accurate – no, in fact, most accurate - system we will all face someday.  And the jury won't be that of 12 individuals.  The jury and judge will consist of One.  Jesus.  The charge – he or she is a Christian; a Christ-follower; a lover of God.  Will there be sufficient evidence to convict you?


  1. Amen to that one Pastor Tom!

  2. Thanks for your comment Cindy.

  3. Very Wise Indeed, That's the only judgement I want to face. I am emphatically a true lover of God, and much inspired by your teachings
    Lisa M.
