
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Two Cents Worth

Believe me I am not going to go deep here (as if I could being that math and science were not my strength in school), but there is a law of physics that says for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  Simply put - there are consequences for your actions.  You may think nothing of one more swipe of the credit card for the sweater "I absolutely adore and can't live without" or, the new cell phone that's "got the cutest little ringtones" or, dinner at that favorite restaurant where "the food is to die for."  Guess what.  There are consequences for those actions.  It's called a credit card bill at the end of the month.

You may feel one more dessert, that extra plate of food, and the super-sized burger may not catch up with you, but guess what.  There are consequences for those actions.  Those things translate into unwanted pounds, cholesterol, heart-disease, and more - and it literally demands a pound of flesh (and fat!) to shed those unwanted pounds.

You may think laying off one more Sunday, or dropping Wednesdays or your small group from your church routine, isn't going to have much of an effect.  Oh yea!  The famous last words of every backslider!  All of these things have consequences.

There are two words we do not hear or practice often anymore - discipline and moderation.  We live during a time of excesses.  We demand more, always more, even when budgets, waistlines and our spiritual beings are crying ENOUGH ALREADY.  Whatever happened to disciplining our desires against that which we can afford?  Whatever happened to denying ourselves that "one more" little item that takes us over the edge?  It's time to give new consideration to living lives of discipline and moderation.

Now is the time to serve notice on yourself.  You must get a grip on these things (and/or other things not mentioned above).  If you are to have a healthy, happy and prosperous new year you must begin the regiment of discipline and moderation.  Otherwise you will pay the price, and believe me it will cost you big time.



  1. I forgot how Holy Spirit filled are your messages, everyone I have read speaks right to me. Just tonight I decided to fast and pray for a trial I just don't seem to be getting the victoy over, and reading your sermon on discipline & moderation is a very timely message. May God Bless you all at Victorious Life Church, with muc love.

  2. God's truths never ring hollow and never grow old. Isn't it comforting that His Word speaks life into our lives and His Spirit is gentle with us as we are being perfected into His image?
