
Friday, October 8, 2010

This Is A Critical Hour

I don't often use my role as a pastor to address political issues, but I sense our nation is facing a critical hour politically.  The direction our nation has been going the last fifty years or so has set us on a course where "we are no longer a Christian nation".  Our nation may have been founded on Christian principles, but we have strayed far from them.  I remember so vividly reading my "Weekly Reader" as I left school as a child.  I remember when prayer was offered in our schools, and then how it turned to a moment of silence, and now is completely absent from our schools.  I remember when we offered the Pledge of Allegiance with passion, and when someone chose not to stand to pledge allegiance to our flag it was frowned upon.  Not anymore.  Within me there is a certain sadness and disbelief that we have come so far.  Also within me is a raging plea to return to our roots, back to a Christian nation, back where God is lifted up, and a banner of righteousness is proclaimed and promoted.
I offer two ways for this to happen.  One, is for every believer to exercise his or her right to vote.  The elections are just around the corner, and probably before you receive our next newsletter you will have had the opportunity to vote.  Do it.  Vote.  Secondly, pray for our nation, it's leaders, and for godly men and women to get into office.  Our battle will never be won on the picket lines.  It will be won on our knees, crying out to God to raise up a standard of holiness and righteousness.  The Bible says, "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man (individual) avails much."
Enough of criticizing our government and those in governmental leadership positions.  Now is not the time for criticism - it is time to pray and vote.  Let's do it.  Let's take our petitions before God, on our knees, and let's let our convictions be heard as we go to the voting polls.
"Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven…"

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