Know what else happened in March? Victorious Life Church, Port Orange (formerly Bethel Assembly of God) was founded. In March 1999 godly people came together under the pastoral leadership of John and Bobbie Jean Anderegg and prayed God would raise up an Assemblies of God church in Port Orange to His glory. They believed against all odds - and prevailed. These who have walked, served, and possessed faith before us are our "great cloud of witnesses."
Seldom do we look back to honor those who have carried the torch before us. Somehow they get lost in the course of events that becomes history. But remember and honor them we must. While the things I mentioned in my first paragraph hold little, if any, spiritual significance the founding of a church for God's glory holds profound importance.
Think of the lives touched, those saved through our efforts, those who know healing because they found faith-filled believers who prayed. Think of those who were filled with the Holy Spirit, baptized in water, changed by the power of God - and think about those who went on to heaven confessing Jesus as their Lord while they worshipped Him and were members of Victorious Life Church. That's significant! And even though it may never be a fact you will ever have to recall as you engage in Trivial Pursuit, they're facts written down in God's Book of Remembrances and Significant Dates. Truth is - I'd rather be engaged in that which makes God's history books than that which makes this world's history any day. Get involved in God's work. Make a mark in the spiritual history of your church.